That's a total of four possible ways to enter (and win!) But please do NOT skip the little step of leaving a comment to let me know about each thing you do or you won't get the extra credit you deserve.
I think my favorite is the silicone ice pop mold! SKU: KVPM
We already love the Think Baby stuff. I'd have to go with the ice pop molds (KVPM). W make tons of pops in the house all year round! Who needs to pay for store pops filled with sugar when you make super tasty and healthy ones for your kids and yourself at home!
Email Ashleyhughson@hotmail.com
It's hard to choose one favorite from their site, but I'd have to say mine would be the nesting trio of stainless steel containers, model kk042. http://mightynest.com/shop/reusable-lunch-gear/food-containers/nesting-trio
Email me = mungoon a(t) gmail dot c0m
I have sort of an unhealthy addiction to food containers so picking my favorite is challenging, but my latest obsession is with bento box-style containers, like the Trio Stainless Steel Food Container (SKU lunchbots-trio). So I think the trio container wins!
ooh, love those stainless steel containers as well! model kk042
Also (realizing now I should have included these in my original post), but I also:
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/MissHealth/status/142637076259667968
Posted on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/megan.yarbrough/posts/302552546441933
The Bake 'n Store glassware is my favorite!!! It reminds me of some retro pieces my mom has and it perfect for storing prepped veg OR leftovers. Plus looks so much better than plastic.
I like this; Bake 'N Store Glassware, 12 cup by Anchor Hocking
SKU: AH-85694L9 because I tend to make stew, chili and other large items and this can be used to both prepare and then store it until I am ready to break it down into meal sized portions for the freezer. I love Anchor Hocking! Email if I win slywlf@hvc.rr.com ;-)
I tweeted the giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/Gr8tfulDayz/status/142656497124515841
Love the Glasslock Glass Wean Bowl!! So colorful <3
I shared the giveaway on FB ☺
http://mightynest.com/shop/reusable-lunch-gear/food-containers/nesting-trio this my favorite since they stack and I have very little storage space.
I would love to have the Glasslock Glass Square Sandwich Cubes (2 pack) by Wean Green (SKU: GL441B) because I need something that I can travel with - especially to work. I have some corningware to store leftovers in at home but nothing portable right now.
My fav because I don't have much storage space
email-joyszoo at netzero dot net
Organic Sugar Scrub, Lavender by LuSa Organics
SKU: sug-lav-4
I love these type of scrubs!
shared on facebook
Wow, there is a lot of amazing things on that site. Having recently gotten into canning I'd have to say my current favorite is Canning Jars (6 sizes available) by Weck
SKU: F740M-1/5L
Organic Sugar Scrub, Lavender by LuSa Organics
SKU: sug-lav-4
I love these type of scrubs!
Glad to know about Mighty Nest - never heard of them before. Thanks!
I just shared this for my friends to see! Alecia ludwick jones on Facebook
tweeted it
I just tweeted about the giveaway too with the hashtag #nontoxicgiveaway
Here is the link to my blog post regarding your give away.
Definitely the Foogo Vacuum Insulated Food Jar by Thermos
SKU: B3000PK002 because every thermos ive bout before doesnt work to keep childrens food warm.
I would say your Stackable Glass Jar with Lid (multiple sizes) by Anchor Hocking (SKU: 85587R-1)
http://mightynest.com/shop/kitchenware/food-storage/stackable-glass-jar-with-lid-multiple-sizes. I like the fact that they stack as I have limited space in my kitchen. Also, my kids will know EXACTLY what is in each so they won't open everything and leave covers off the jars! :)
I think my favorite would be the ThinkBaby items! So cute!
SKU: 220102
I love the Stackable Glass Jar with Lid in all sizes, SKU 8557R-1, And Made in the USA!
I would love some sandwich containers for my kid's lunch!
wierengaa at juno dot com
Love the Stackable Glass Jar with Lid by Anchor Hocking, SKU 85587R-1. Made in the USA too!
Ive advertised this entry:
my blog http://midwifeintraining.blogspot.com/2011/12/win-now.html
sistadoula at gmail dot com
@ZiggityBoomer tweeted with hashtag and URL; liked and commented on Facebook, too. Great idea, and thanks for sharing the food storage wealth.
So hard to choose one! I think I would have to go with the Trio Stainless Steel Food Container SKU: lunchbots-trio. It looks like a good addition to the few stainless pieces I have for the kids lunch boxes.
Email: ryanne@shosa.com
I shared this with my friends on facebook!
The bento box style Trio Stainless Steel Food Container by Lunchbots gets my vote!
jehminni at hotmail dot com
Shared on Facebook!
Just reshared via my FB page. :)
jehminni at hotmail dot com
My fave is the 12 cup bake and store. I find these products to be very useful since I often make pot luck dinners for church functions. The url is: http://mightynest.com/shop/kitchenware/cookware-bakeware/bake-n-store-glassware-12-cup
You can contact me at wildcatmelody@netscape.net
Canning Jars, Tulip Round (set of 6) by Weck
SKU: F744T-.5L
I am REALLY looking forward to trying my hand at canning next summer/fall. These cans are not just non toxic they are beautiful too!
Email me: meganmarieb33@yahoo.com
Shared on Facebook!
Email me: meganmarieb33@yahoo.com
Well, I'm expecting a baby any day now so I have my eye on the Think baby feeding set. It even comes in orange which is my hubbies favorite color! SKU: 220102
My email is briarrosered@yahoo.com
The best health and environmental investment ever is. . . (drumroll please)
Trio Stainless Steel Food Container by Lunchbots
SKU: lunchbots-trio
We use it for sushi takeout. No more styrofoam containers for us. Holds two sushi rolls and has a place for wasabi and ginger. Perfect so your rolls don't touch (I am a vegetarian but my husband a carnivore). The all stainless steel gives it a classic and grown-up look. I also use it to pack lunches or to take fresh snacks like fruit on car trips with our young son. Versatility to the max. making the most of your reusable investment.
~crispilina at rocketmail dot com~
retweeted evefox tweet
~crispilina at rocketmail.com~
I love the Little Bits Storage Jars!
I have had trouble finding a suitable sandwich bag. I don't use standard-shaped bread and my sandwich doesn't fit in the bag I bought. Solution: reusable sandwich wrap! Excellent. SKU: sc-viewfinder.
also shared on facebook
~crispilina at rocketmail dot com~
@ZiggityBoomer, facebook comment, and now email too. lrdr at peacemail dot com
Forgot email! Tweeted @ZiggityBoomer, facebook commented, and now completed.
lrdr at peacemail dot com.
Also posted on facebook
wow! i have to say the lys square glassbowls, DX-A 2820CAB1-5 look perfect for leftovers..gotta phase out my current storage containers..i also loved bake n store 2 cup sku-AH-81884L9..jojo gomez on facebook
just shared link on Facebook...(jojo gomez on facebook, ventura, calif)
Glasslock Glass Square Snack Cubes, 7oz (2 pack) by Wean Green
Glasslock Glass Square Snack Cubes, 7oz (2 pack) by Wean Green
I like the glasslock glass square sandwich cubes. SKU GL441B. Thx for having the giveaway!
Can't resist the 50s style...Bake 'N Store Glassware, SKU: AH-85695L9. Fits perfectly with my Memere's handed-down 50s-style kitchen items, like her kitchen table, china closet, dishes, and tools.
I like the Round TrueSeal Food Storage with Green Lid
(SKU: AH-91687-2). I'm trying to get rid of all our plastic but we store a lot of left overs so I've been trying to replace it a little at a time.
I posted the giveaway on facebook!
My favorite is they have a Made in the US link, but I guess my favorite item is SKU: AH-85694L9, the 12 cup bake n store glassware. I have slowly replaced all my plastic storage containers, but I would love to by some for my daughter and neice.
Retweeted the give away @alecialudwick
The Sipp Thermos insulated food jar. Though there are so many lovely hings that I suspect my answer would change every site visit.
The Sip Thermos food jar is my current choice. What a great site!
I really like Anchor Hocking storage (SKU: 91699W-1-AH).
Love the Anchor Hocking square glass dishes. Classic and totally practical, love them.
OMG... I don't know where to start. I adore MightyNest. I would get Child size glass cups, I am also slowly replacing all the plastic in my house to glass or stainless. They have such a great selection of both!! I LOVE THIS GIVEAWAY!!
FB Post!!
TWEET!! By @bigfootMamas
Special post, just for you guys!
I shared about this giveaway on Facebook!
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I tweeted - https://twitter.com/#!/Lyndadawinda/status/142835037686087680
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
My favorite item is the think bpa food set in orange.http://mightynest.com/shop/reusable-lunch-gear/food-containers/complete-bpa-free-feeding-set-orange
My favorite is the Nesting Trio SKU-KK042 All colors are nice.
Sue inman.sue@gmail.com
Love this! Seem to always be running out of thins to bake in!
Glass Baking Dish and Storage with Trueseal Lid, 11 cup by Anchor Hocking
SKU: 91693-AH
I had such a good time looking through all the products that it was hard to choose a favorite! The "nesting trio" in multiple colors - how great that there's a color choice!! - is what I've finally decided is for me. It's number is KK04.
Thanks for bringing these to my attention!
My favorite is the Round TrueSeal Food Storage with Green Lid (4 sizes)
SKU: AH-91687-2. Would be great to take my lunch to work each day. Thanks! lisa@beseenforlife.com
My favorite is the Sipp Vacuum Insulated Food Jar, 16 oz by Thermos.
SKU: NS340BK004
This is a great giveaway!
CMStewartWrite (at) GMail (dot) com
Shared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisamacdonald78 Thanks! lisa@beseenforlife.com
My favorite item is the Bake 'N Store Glassware, 12 cup size. I really like that it has a glass lid.
Forgot to add item #: SKU: AH-85694L9
Glasslock Glass Square Snack Cubes, 7oz (2 pack) by Wean Green
I need an alternative to plastic snack containers and snack bags.
wenburg3 at yahoo.com
I can't believe we have to pick just one. I'll have to go with the Trio stainless steel food container with three sections, because I haven't seen that anywhere else, and what a great idea!
Have now shared on Facebook. I have quite a few friends I know will love this!
Oops, forgot the SKU for my favorite: It's lunchbots-trio. I've now tweeted the giveaway, too! Contact me at kathiechristian@yahoo.com. Thanks!
so - I shared this on my FB page - https://www.facebook.com/julie.bynum - tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/FPNOkami/status/142976296639676416
Wow a favorite product? This was so difficult - but I think that I have finally settled on Sifaka Neogreene Insulated Lunch Tote
Thanks for the opportunity to win and for the info about this company
We've been slowing increasing our stock of glass storage container - all pyrex.
I've been wanting to find better containers for my son's lunch, though glass makes me nervous for that - he often comes home with smushed plastic containers. I think I would like to try to try the Kids Konserve small round containers (SKU: KK075) as a start - they'd be great for his fruits and veggies.
Bake 'N Store Glassware, 2 cup by Anchor Hocking
SKU: AH-81884L9
This glassware reminds me of the dishes my mother used to have when I was a kid.
I want them ALL! But I'll start with my first choice of the "Nesting Trio" in Moss, by Kids Conserve. SKU # KK042. I'm in the process of replacing my plastic storage items with glass storage (didn't realize there would be options for stainless steel as well) but it's an expensive process! Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Bake 'N Store Glassware, 2 cup
My favorite item
I just posted the giveaway to my FB page!
My absolute favorite is the Lys Square Glass Food Storage Bowl set of 5 (SKU A2820CAB1-5). The fact that there are different sizes and the glass is strong is really important to me.
My email is :sarahnims@windstream.net
My favorite is the set of 5 LYS square Glass food Storage Bowls(SKU A 2820CAB1-5). i like the different sizes and the fact that the glass is super strong.
My email is :smnims@gmail.com
I would love the Glass Water Bottle 16oz by LifeFactory SKU#LF-2100R
I have a daughter in Irish dance who drinks enormous amounts of water & I spend most of my time in the car driving the kids around, I usually have water with me in the car. Unfortunately having water in plastic bottles changes the flavor - so glass would be so much better!
I like the Round TrueSeal Food Storage with Green Lid (4 sizes). They offer variety and fit well into small places. They are also versatile and can go from frig to cooking to table :)
What incredibly good containers. I'm so pleased I found it.
My favorite was the Lunch Bot (SKU-LB-Uno) -- it's the perfect size for leftovers, also.
What an incredibly useful site. I loved it.
My favorite was the Lunch Bot -SKU-LB-Uno -- it's the perfect size for leftovers.
Thank you, I loved the site. I posted on face book and twitter what a great find you are and they have a selection of made in America-Win/Win Yeah. I would love to gift my daughter with the 12 cup Bake'N Store,SKU AH-85694L9. She and grand kids learning things arn't just pretty and functional but are made of bad stuff or good stuff. My e-mail is gheetar319@yahoo.com and I am on FB.
oh, the http://mightynest.com/shop/kitchenware/food-storeage/Bake'N Store 12 cup Made in the USA. Forgot to add the http in my post
I like them all but I really like the Lys Square Glass Food Storage Bowl http://mightynest.com/shop/reusable-lunch-gear/food-containers/lys-square-glass-food-storage-bowl-5-sizes
It was hard to choose just one 'favorite', but I'd have to say the 12 cup Bake 'N Store 12 cup size glassware by Anchor Hocking would be it. SKU: AH-85694L9.
Email: kimberleymccurdy@yahoo.com
I am loving this site! Thank you! My favorite is: "Peace Flowers Reusable Snack/Sandwich Bag by Snack Taxi
I will definitely be ordering this one!
Glad to share this on Facebook and did so just now!
Happy to Tweet about the contest and just did.
My gracious, what a great site! I went from page to page seeing all sorts of things I'd love to use! I've never seen this configuration, and think I must buy it: 16oz Kanteen Wide Insulated Bottle and Food Container by Klean Kanteen (SKU: K16VWSS). But for the sake of this contest, I'm also quite taken with the set: Rounds Stainless Steel Food Containers, Leakproof by Lunchbots (SKU: lunchbots-rounds) and truly need the baking dish with storage lid: Glass Baking Dish and Storage with Trueseal Lid, 11 cup by Anchor Hocking (SKU: 91693-AH). Thank you for bringing this site to my attention. I knew about the problem but am so heavily invested in Tupperware, I didn't think I'd ever be able to afford to replace it!
Be well, Denelle (dhira at aol dot c0m)
Posted on facebook as well.
Wow, what a lot of great products. It's hard to chose a favorite but I think it's going to be this:
SKU: AH-91687-2, the glass storage containers. I put my address in to be notified about the bamboo towels--that would be my first choice. And I posted it on my Facebook page.
All of the products look great. I'd like to get rid of all of my plastic as well. I have Chronic Lyme and Adrenal Fatigue and am very sensitive to chemicals. Trying to get rid of all the offenders. I like the storage container set for saving leftovers. :-)
Lys Square Glass Food Storage Bowl (5 sizes) by Duralex
SKU: DX-A2820CAB1-5
I can't wait to place my order. This is going to be my Christmas to myself ! love the big baking dishes and the 7 oz square storage. May just put this link in my letter to Santa so that i can have it all. lol
What a wonderful way to make sure our environment is protected!
I like the Trio Stainless Steel Food Container by Lunchbots
SKU: lunchbots-trio.
shared https://www.facebook.com/tubbytelly/posts/184662334959550
There are a lot of nice products here! I would have to choose the Round TrueSeal Food Storage with Green Lid (SKU: AH-91687-2)as my favorite.
Email: ev.brinza at gmail dot com
Impossible to pick just one, but I'll start with the Weck canning jars. SKU: F740M-1/5L set of 6 or 12.
I just recently found out (from the Mighty Nest blog!) that other regular canning jars have BPA in their lids!
Hope I win! hillarymeyeratmsndotcom
I like all of the Anchor Hocking true seal glass food storage. I would get the set of 4 round storage containers. SKU: 91699W-1-AH
Submitted on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pamela.roza.hayes
My favorite is the glass baking dish and trueseal lid for baking, bringing, and storage. This is a versatile product and very useful for bringing a dish to a friend's house or an event. I am a big believer in getting rid of the pastic and changing to glass and stainless!
I love the Glass Baking Dish & storage with the Truseal Lid
I love to bake!
I'll go for the classic Glass Spice Jar.... ;-)
My favorite item is Trio Stainless Steel Food Container by Lunchbots
SKU: lunchbots-trio
I want to start taking my own containers to restaurants so that I don't need to use their styrofoam. This would be perfrct.
I like Trio Stainless Steel Food Container by Lunchbots,
SKU: lunchbots-trio. I want to start taking my own containers to restaurants and this would be perfect.
I'm all about variety -- i love these things for taking to work!
Lys Square Glass Food Storage Bowl (5 sizes) by Duralex
SKU: DX-A2820CAB1-5
entered and posted on facebook
I would have to say that Stack able Glass Jar with Lid in the 1 and 2 Quart size would be ideal for storing my dried beans and dried vegetables.
I shared the giveaway...
I hope I win, great Christmas gift for my mom
Love and Light
I LOVE the cast Iron selection! I want to throw out all of my chemically laden stuff!
Heidi Kobrin Seligman
Glass Spice Jar, Oval, 4 oz by RSVP
This product is a solution to getting my spices/herbs out of plastic containers that are now used in packaging the spices/herbs...even when they are bought in bulk, you have to accept the plastic bags to purchase them....
tainless Steel Food Storage by Sanctus Mundo
: 0
6.25" long
This looks like a solid product. A lot of the containers have plastic tops....and I have to wait until the leftover cools before the top (lid) is secured before storing. Very nice!
I like the round stacking food storage bowls.
Round TrueSeal Food Storage with White Lid (4 sizes) by Anchor Hocking
SKU: 91699W-1-AH
I like the round stacking food storage bowls.
Round TrueSeal Food Storage with White Lid (4 sizes) by Anchor Hocking
SKU: 91699W-1-AH
My favorite is Bake 'N Store Glassware, 12 cup by Anchor Hocking
SKU: AH-85694L9
Thanks for the chance to own one free.
My favourite is the 12 cup Bake 'n Store glassware (AH-85694L9).
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
My favorite is the set of nesting stainless steel travel bowls. One is the perfect size for a lunch salad, the other two are the perfect size for cut up fruit or veggies.
Nesting Trio (multiple colors) by Kids Konserve
SKU: KK042
The "Bake 'N Store Glassware", 12 cup by Anchor Hocking, SKU: AH-85694L9, looks perfect. Who couldn't use a 3-qt casserole with its own lid?
I like the stackable glass jars, SKU:85587K-1
gmorotti@gmail.com or
1111 14th Avenue West
Bradenton, Florida 34205
I like the Stainless Steel Insulated Food Jar, 10 oz. by Thermos
SKU: 2330P
It would be perfect for taking soup to work.
urchiken at gmail dot com
I like to have all of those to add to my collection of glassware and plastics. Most of my collection are pyrex but I expand to Tupperware.
I just posted this to my facebook page. Thank you so much for the offer!
Oh my goodness, there are so many awesome items, it was really hard to choose. I think that we would use the Glasslock Glass Square Sandwich Cubes (2 pack) the most! Thank you again.
I really like the Rounds Stainless Steel Food Containers, Leakproof by Lunchbots SKU: lunchbots-rounds.
The stainless steel items are gorgeous, but practically speaking, they will be cinch to clean and look pretty sturdy. Even if I don't win the gift certificate, a few of these items are going in my cabinet this upcoming year!
Email jennifertammy @gmail.com
Small Stainless Steel Round Containers, Magenta (set of 2) by Kids Konserve
SKU: KK074
wow I love the bake and store glassware! Baking dishes should always come with lids :)
email: cjford (a) prodigy.net
My favorite right now would be the glass baby food stroage SKU: KG-RR2P-GB. I'm 38 wks pregnant and have been looking into baby food storage and these totally caught my eye!
email: lucee_rios@yahoo.com
\ evefox Eve Fox
BPA-Free Giveaway: $100 MightyNest Gift Certificate: bit.ly/ucbAp0 @mightynest #TCSA #BPA #nontoxicgiveaway
2 Dec Favorite Undo Retweet Reply
Retweeted by @Lucy_Newhouse
email:lucee_rios@ yahoo . com
I shared the contest with FB. I am really glad I found your site! So much great info!!
Love the containers! So hard to choose a favorite!! Shared the contest with FB! Thanks!!
Hi there! I just did a facebook post on my page: http://www.facebook.com/RenewableEnergyNews about your MightyNest giveaway.
I also just did a twitter post on my page: http://twitter.com/GreenEnergyNews about your MightyNest giveaway.
I also just published a post on my Green Energy News blog about your giveaway to enter to win the MightyNest products. Here is the link: http://www.renewable-energy-news.info/bpa-free-giveaway-100-mightynest-gift-certificate/.
I also posted two other comments about my FB & Twitter posts :)
My favorite item I would have to say was the "stackable glass jar" (item #SKU: 85587R - 1) located here: http://mightynest.com/shop/kitchenware/food-storage/stackable-glass-jar-with-lid-multiple-sizes I have so many nuts and want a good way to store and these look perfect for that!
I have "liked" this giveaway on facebook, shared on my facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/annie.sherman and also on twitter (included hashtag).
To contact me (annie), email: be_example@yahoo.com
Love the Glasslock Glass Wean Bowl!! So colorful <3
I love the Eco Stainless Steel Food Container
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
I shared on my Face Book
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
I tweeted your giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
I love the Lunchbots Duo Food Container (SKU: LB-Duo). I've been looking for something safe to take my lunch to work. thanks for introducing me to the website!
Email: jen.gibbs@yahoo.com
I have been acutely aware of my need to replace my plastic storage containers. Any of the glass storage and cooking containers would be my pick. Thank you for making us aware of this site.
I like the one liter canning jar,
SKU: F908C-1L
kate dot sanderson at yahoo dot ca
The 12 cup Bake and store is my favorite,
So many great things on that site, would love to have them all! but would love to start with the glass baking dish, i think that would serve many purposes.....
I love the glass baking dishes that remind me of what my grandmother had and used. But the duo and trio stainless food storage container would be idea for my grandson to use for taking his lunch to school. So I guess that's my favorite.
Wow - lots of great stuff! I think my favorite would be the Stainless Steel Thermos containers.
I tweeted about the giveaway (retweeted your Dec 6 tweet)
WalkNKnit on Twitter
I like the Airtight Glass Spice Jar (SKU: BIG-BU)
smarie210 (at) gmail (dot) com
I shared the giveaway on Facebook.
smarie210 (at) gmail (dot) com
I tweeted about the giveaway:
smarie210 (at) gmail (dot) com
I like this set! http://mightynest.com/shop/reusable-lunch-gear/food-containers/glasslock-glass-wean-bowls-6oz-2-pack
I posted on Facebook, too!
Lys Square Glass Food Storage Bowl (SKU: DX-A2820CAB1-5) might be my favorite! Great price for 5 pieces too! A lot less expensive than I expected for glass dishes!
I like the Round TrueSeal Food Storage with Green Lid (4 sizes) by Anchor Hocking, SKU: AH-91687-2.
I love the round trueseal food storage with green lids set, SKU AH-91687-2. Thanks for running this so I became aware of this site, love it!
Christine clustik@wyoming.com
I got rid of the plastic warehouse in my lower cabinet two years ago and never looked back. I have vintage glass and vintage stainless steel refrigerator containers along with some of the newer glassblock and anchor hocking.
Favorite still is the: Bake 'N Store Glassware, 12 cup by Anchor Hocking
SKU: AH-85694L9
But I also have my eye on the Trio Stainless Steel Food Container by Lunchbots
SKU: lunchbots-trio
I've also posted this giveaway on my facebook page
Congratulations to Kate of Snow Flake Kitchen - winner of the giveaway! I'll shoot you an email and connect you with the Mighty Nest folks to claim your gift certificate.
I like good, durable storage containers. Shared on facebook.
I so need any, and all of these..I tweeted about it, too !
I think my favorite is the silicone ice pop mold! SKU: KVPM
We already love the Think Baby stuff. I'd have to go with the ice pop molds (KVPM). W make tons of pops in the house all year round! Who needs to pay for store pops filled with sugar when you make super tasty and healthy ones for your kids and yourself at home!
Email Ashleyhughson@hotmail.com
It's hard to choose one favorite from their site, but I'd have to say mine would be the nesting trio of stainless steel containers, model kk042. http://mightynest.com/shop/reusable-lunch-gear/food-containers/nesting-trio
Email me = mungoon a(t) gmail dot c0m
I have sort of an unhealthy addiction to food containers so picking my favorite is challenging, but my latest obsession is with bento box-style containers, like the Trio Stainless Steel Food Container (SKU lunchbots-trio). So I think the trio container wins!
ooh, love those stainless steel containers as well! model kk042
Also (realizing now I should have included these in my original post), but I also:
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/MissHealth/status/142637076259667968
Posted on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/megan.yarbrough/posts/302552546441933
The Bake 'n Store glassware is my favorite!!! It reminds me of some retro pieces my mom has and it perfect for storing prepped veg OR leftovers. Plus looks so much better than plastic.
I like this; Bake 'N Store Glassware, 12 cup by Anchor Hocking
SKU: AH-85694L9 because I tend to make stew, chili and other large items and this can be used to both prepare and then store it until I am ready to break it down into meal sized portions for the freezer. I love Anchor Hocking! Email if I win slywlf@hvc.rr.com ;-)
I tweeted the giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/Gr8tfulDayz/status/142656497124515841
Love the Glasslock Glass Wean Bowl!! So colorful <3
I shared the giveaway on FB ☺
http://mightynest.com/shop/reusable-lunch-gear/food-containers/nesting-trio this my favorite since they stack and I have very little storage space.
I would love to have the Glasslock Glass Square Sandwich Cubes (2 pack) by Wean Green (SKU: GL441B) because I need something that I can travel with - especially to work. I have some corningware to store leftovers in at home but nothing portable right now.
My fav because I don't have much storage space
email-joyszoo at netzero dot net
Organic Sugar Scrub, Lavender by LuSa Organics
SKU: sug-lav-4
I love these type of scrubs!
shared on facebook
Wow, there is a lot of amazing things on that site. Having recently gotten into canning I'd have to say my current favorite is Canning Jars (6 sizes available) by Weck
SKU: F740M-1/5L
Organic Sugar Scrub, Lavender by LuSa Organics
SKU: sug-lav-4
I love these type of scrubs!
Glad to know about Mighty Nest - never heard of them before. Thanks!
I just shared this for my friends to see! Alecia ludwick jones on Facebook
tweeted it
I just tweeted about the giveaway too with the hashtag #nontoxicgiveaway
Here is the link to my blog post regarding your give away.
Definitely the Foogo Vacuum Insulated Food Jar by Thermos
SKU: B3000PK002 because every thermos ive bout before doesnt work to keep childrens food warm.
I would say your Stackable Glass Jar with Lid (multiple sizes) by Anchor Hocking (SKU: 85587R-1)
http://mightynest.com/shop/kitchenware/food-storage/stackable-glass-jar-with-lid-multiple-sizes. I like the fact that they stack as I have limited space in my kitchen. Also, my kids will know EXACTLY what is in each so they won't open everything and leave covers off the jars! :)
I think my favorite would be the ThinkBaby items! So cute!
SKU: 220102
I love the Stackable Glass Jar with Lid in all sizes, SKU 8557R-1, And Made in the USA!
I would love some sandwich containers for my kid's lunch!
wierengaa at juno dot com
Love the Stackable Glass Jar with Lid by Anchor Hocking, SKU 85587R-1. Made in the USA too!
Ive advertised this entry:
my blog http://midwifeintraining.blogspot.com/2011/12/win-now.html
sistadoula at gmail dot com
@ZiggityBoomer tweeted with hashtag and URL; liked and commented on Facebook, too. Great idea, and thanks for sharing the food storage wealth.
So hard to choose one! I think I would have to go with the Trio Stainless Steel Food Container SKU: lunchbots-trio. It looks like a good addition to the few stainless pieces I have for the kids lunch boxes.
Email: ryanne@shosa.com
I shared this with my friends on facebook!
The bento box style Trio Stainless Steel Food Container by Lunchbots gets my vote!
jehminni at hotmail dot com
Shared on Facebook!
Just reshared via my FB page. :)
jehminni at hotmail dot com
My fave is the 12 cup bake and store. I find these products to be very useful since I often make pot luck dinners for church functions. The url is: http://mightynest.com/shop/kitchenware/cookware-bakeware/bake-n-store-glassware-12-cup
You can contact me at wildcatmelody@netscape.net
Canning Jars, Tulip Round (set of 6) by Weck
SKU: F744T-.5L
I am REALLY looking forward to trying my hand at canning next summer/fall. These cans are not just non toxic they are beautiful too!
Email me: meganmarieb33@yahoo.com
Shared on Facebook!
Email me: meganmarieb33@yahoo.com
Well, I'm expecting a baby any day now so I have my eye on the Think baby feeding set. It even comes in orange which is my hubbies favorite color! SKU: 220102
My email is briarrosered@yahoo.com
The best health and environmental investment ever is. . . (drumroll please)
Trio Stainless Steel Food Container by Lunchbots
SKU: lunchbots-trio
We use it for sushi takeout. No more styrofoam containers for us. Holds two sushi rolls and has a place for wasabi and ginger. Perfect so your rolls don't touch (I am a vegetarian but my husband a carnivore). The all stainless steel gives it a classic and grown-up look. I also use it to pack lunches or to take fresh snacks like fruit on car trips with our young son. Versatility to the max. making the most of your reusable investment.
~crispilina at rocketmail dot com~
retweeted evefox tweet
~crispilina at rocketmail.com~
I love the Little Bits Storage Jars!
I have had trouble finding a suitable sandwich bag. I don't use standard-shaped bread and my sandwich doesn't fit in the bag I bought. Solution: reusable sandwich wrap! Excellent. SKU: sc-viewfinder.
also shared on facebook
~crispilina at rocketmail dot com~
@ZiggityBoomer, facebook comment, and now email too. lrdr at peacemail dot com
Forgot email! Tweeted @ZiggityBoomer, facebook commented, and now completed.
lrdr at peacemail dot com.
Also posted on facebook
wow! i have to say the lys square glassbowls, DX-A 2820CAB1-5 look perfect for leftovers..gotta phase out my current storage containers..i also loved bake n store 2 cup sku-AH-81884L9..jojo gomez on facebook
just shared link on Facebook...(jojo gomez on facebook, ventura, calif)
Glasslock Glass Square Snack Cubes, 7oz (2 pack) by Wean Green
Glasslock Glass Square Snack Cubes, 7oz (2 pack) by Wean Green
I like the glasslock glass square sandwich cubes. SKU GL441B. Thx for having the giveaway!
Can't resist the 50s style...Bake 'N Store Glassware, SKU: AH-85695L9. Fits perfectly with my Memere's handed-down 50s-style kitchen items, like her kitchen table, china closet, dishes, and tools.
I like the Round TrueSeal Food Storage with Green Lid
(SKU: AH-91687-2). I'm trying to get rid of all our plastic but we store a lot of left overs so I've been trying to replace it a little at a time.
I posted the giveaway on facebook!
My favorite is they have a Made in the US link, but I guess my favorite item is SKU: AH-85694L9, the 12 cup bake n store glassware. I have slowly replaced all my plastic storage containers, but I would love to by some for my daughter and neice.
Retweeted the give away @alecialudwick
The Sipp Thermos insulated food jar. Though there are so many lovely hings that I suspect my answer would change every site visit.
The Sip Thermos food jar is my current choice. What a great site!
I really like Anchor Hocking storage (SKU: 91699W-1-AH).
Love the Anchor Hocking square glass dishes. Classic and totally practical, love them.
OMG... I don't know where to start. I adore MightyNest. I would get Child size glass cups, I am also slowly replacing all the plastic in my house to glass or stainless. They have such a great selection of both!! I LOVE THIS GIVEAWAY!!
FB Post!!
TWEET!! By @bigfootMamas
Special post, just for you guys!
I shared about this giveaway on Facebook!
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I tweeted - https://twitter.com/#!/Lyndadawinda/status/142835037686087680
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
My favorite item is the think bpa food set in orange.http://mightynest.com/shop/reusable-lunch-gear/food-containers/complete-bpa-free-feeding-set-orange
My favorite is the Nesting Trio SKU-KK042 All colors are nice.
Sue inman.sue@gmail.com
Love this! Seem to always be running out of thins to bake in!
Glass Baking Dish and Storage with Trueseal Lid, 11 cup by Anchor Hocking
SKU: 91693-AH
I had such a good time looking through all the products that it was hard to choose a favorite! The "nesting trio" in multiple colors - how great that there's a color choice!! - is what I've finally decided is for me. It's number is KK04.
Thanks for bringing these to my attention!
My favorite is the Round TrueSeal Food Storage with Green Lid (4 sizes)
SKU: AH-91687-2. Would be great to take my lunch to work each day. Thanks! lisa@beseenforlife.com
My favorite is the Sipp Vacuum Insulated Food Jar, 16 oz by Thermos.
SKU: NS340BK004
This is a great giveaway!
CMStewartWrite (at) GMail (dot) com
Shared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisamacdonald78 Thanks! lisa@beseenforlife.com
My favorite item is the Bake 'N Store Glassware, 12 cup size. I really like that it has a glass lid.
Forgot to add item #: SKU: AH-85694L9
Glasslock Glass Square Snack Cubes, 7oz (2 pack) by Wean Green
I need an alternative to plastic snack containers and snack bags.
wenburg3 at yahoo.com
I can't believe we have to pick just one. I'll have to go with the Trio stainless steel food container with three sections, because I haven't seen that anywhere else, and what a great idea!
Have now shared on Facebook. I have quite a few friends I know will love this!
Oops, forgot the SKU for my favorite: It's lunchbots-trio. I've now tweeted the giveaway, too! Contact me at kathiechristian@yahoo.com. Thanks!
so - I shared this on my FB page - https://www.facebook.com/julie.bynum - tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/FPNOkami/status/142976296639676416
Wow a favorite product? This was so difficult - but I think that I have finally settled on Sifaka Neogreene Insulated Lunch Tote
Thanks for the opportunity to win and for the info about this company
We've been slowing increasing our stock of glass storage container - all pyrex.
I've been wanting to find better containers for my son's lunch, though glass makes me nervous for that - he often comes home with smushed plastic containers. I think I would like to try to try the Kids Konserve small round containers (SKU: KK075) as a start - they'd be great for his fruits and veggies.
Bake 'N Store Glassware, 2 cup by Anchor Hocking
SKU: AH-81884L9
This glassware reminds me of the dishes my mother used to have when I was a kid.
I want them ALL! But I'll start with my first choice of the "Nesting Trio" in Moss, by Kids Conserve. SKU # KK042. I'm in the process of replacing my plastic storage items with glass storage (didn't realize there would be options for stainless steel as well) but it's an expensive process! Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Bake 'N Store Glassware, 2 cup
My favorite item
I just posted the giveaway to my FB page!
My absolute favorite is the Lys Square Glass Food Storage Bowl set of 5 (SKU A2820CAB1-5). The fact that there are different sizes and the glass is strong is really important to me.
My email is :sarahnims@windstream.net
My favorite is the set of 5 LYS square Glass food Storage Bowls(SKU A 2820CAB1-5). i like the different sizes and the fact that the glass is super strong.
My email is :smnims@gmail.com
I would love the Glass Water Bottle 16oz by LifeFactory SKU#LF-2100R
I have a daughter in Irish dance who drinks enormous amounts of water & I spend most of my time in the car driving the kids around, I usually have water with me in the car. Unfortunately having water in plastic bottles changes the flavor - so glass would be so much better!
I like the Round TrueSeal Food Storage with Green Lid (4 sizes). They offer variety and fit well into small places. They are also versatile and can go from frig to cooking to table :)
What incredibly good containers. I'm so pleased I found it.
My favorite was the Lunch Bot (SKU-LB-Uno) -- it's the perfect size for leftovers, also.
What an incredibly useful site. I loved it.
My favorite was the Lunch Bot -SKU-LB-Uno -- it's the perfect size for leftovers.
Thank you, I loved the site. I posted on face book and twitter what a great find you are and they have a selection of made in America-Win/Win Yeah. I would love to gift my daughter with the 12 cup Bake'N Store,SKU AH-85694L9. She and grand kids learning things arn't just pretty and functional but are made of bad stuff or good stuff. My e-mail is gheetar319@yahoo.com and I am on FB.
oh, the http://mightynest.com/shop/kitchenware/food-storeage/Bake'N Store 12 cup Made in the USA. Forgot to add the http in my post
I like them all but I really like the Lys Square Glass Food Storage Bowl http://mightynest.com/shop/reusable-lunch-gear/food-containers/lys-square-glass-food-storage-bowl-5-sizes
It was hard to choose just one 'favorite', but I'd have to say the 12 cup Bake 'N Store 12 cup size glassware by Anchor Hocking would be it. SKU: AH-85694L9.
Email: kimberleymccurdy@yahoo.com
I am loving this site! Thank you! My favorite is: "Peace Flowers Reusable Snack/Sandwich Bag by Snack Taxi
I will definitely be ordering this one!
Glad to share this on Facebook and did so just now!
Happy to Tweet about the contest and just did.
My gracious, what a great site! I went from page to page seeing all sorts of things I'd love to use! I've never seen this configuration, and think I must buy it: 16oz Kanteen Wide Insulated Bottle and Food Container by Klean Kanteen (SKU: K16VWSS). But for the sake of this contest, I'm also quite taken with the set: Rounds Stainless Steel Food Containers, Leakproof by Lunchbots (SKU: lunchbots-rounds) and truly need the baking dish with storage lid: Glass Baking Dish and Storage with Trueseal Lid, 11 cup by Anchor Hocking (SKU: 91693-AH). Thank you for bringing this site to my attention. I knew about the problem but am so heavily invested in Tupperware, I didn't think I'd ever be able to afford to replace it!
Be well, Denelle (dhira at aol dot c0m)
Posted on facebook as well.
Wow, what a lot of great products. It's hard to chose a favorite but I think it's going to be this:
SKU: AH-91687-2, the glass storage containers. I put my address in to be notified about the bamboo towels--that would be my first choice. And I posted it on my Facebook page.
All of the products look great. I'd like to get rid of all of my plastic as well. I have Chronic Lyme and Adrenal Fatigue and am very sensitive to chemicals. Trying to get rid of all the offenders. I like the storage container set for saving leftovers. :-)
Lys Square Glass Food Storage Bowl (5 sizes) by Duralex
SKU: DX-A2820CAB1-5
I can't wait to place my order. This is going to be my Christmas to myself ! love the big baking dishes and the 7 oz square storage. May just put this link in my letter to Santa so that i can have it all. lol
What a wonderful way to make sure our environment is protected!
I like the Trio Stainless Steel Food Container by Lunchbots
SKU: lunchbots-trio.
shared https://www.facebook.com/tubbytelly/posts/184662334959550
There are a lot of nice products here! I would have to choose the Round TrueSeal Food Storage with Green Lid (SKU: AH-91687-2)as my favorite.
Email: ev.brinza at gmail dot com
Impossible to pick just one, but I'll start with the Weck canning jars. SKU: F740M-1/5L set of 6 or 12.
I just recently found out (from the Mighty Nest blog!) that other regular canning jars have BPA in their lids!
Hope I win! hillarymeyeratmsndotcom
I like all of the Anchor Hocking true seal glass food storage. I would get the set of 4 round storage containers. SKU: 91699W-1-AH
Submitted on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pamela.roza.hayes
My favorite is the glass baking dish and trueseal lid for baking, bringing, and storage. This is a versatile product and very useful for bringing a dish to a friend's house or an event. I am a big believer in getting rid of the pastic and changing to glass and stainless!
I love the Glass Baking Dish & storage with the Truseal Lid
I love to bake!
I'll go for the classic Glass Spice Jar.... ;-)
My favorite item is Trio Stainless Steel Food Container by Lunchbots
SKU: lunchbots-trio
I want to start taking my own containers to restaurants so that I don't need to use their styrofoam. This would be perfrct.
I like Trio Stainless Steel Food Container by Lunchbots,
SKU: lunchbots-trio. I want to start taking my own containers to restaurants and this would be perfect.
I'm all about variety -- i love these things for taking to work!
Lys Square Glass Food Storage Bowl (5 sizes) by Duralex
SKU: DX-A2820CAB1-5
entered and posted on facebook
I would have to say that Stack able Glass Jar with Lid in the 1 and 2 Quart size would be ideal for storing my dried beans and dried vegetables.
I shared the giveaway...
I hope I win, great Christmas gift for my mom
Love and Light
I LOVE the cast Iron selection! I want to throw out all of my chemically laden stuff!
Heidi Kobrin Seligman
Glass Spice Jar, Oval, 4 oz by RSVP
This product is a solution to getting my spices/herbs out of plastic containers that are now used in packaging the spices/herbs...even when they are bought in bulk, you have to accept the plastic bags to purchase them....
tainless Steel Food Storage by Sanctus Mundo
: 0
6.25" long
This looks like a solid product. A lot of the containers have plastic tops....and I have to wait until the leftover cools before the top (lid) is secured before storing. Very nice!
I like the round stacking food storage bowls.
Round TrueSeal Food Storage with White Lid (4 sizes) by Anchor Hocking
SKU: 91699W-1-AH
I like the round stacking food storage bowls.
Round TrueSeal Food Storage with White Lid (4 sizes) by Anchor Hocking
SKU: 91699W-1-AH
My favorite is Bake 'N Store Glassware, 12 cup by Anchor Hocking
SKU: AH-85694L9
Thanks for the chance to own one free.
My favourite is the 12 cup Bake 'n Store glassware (AH-85694L9).
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
My favorite is the set of nesting stainless steel travel bowls. One is the perfect size for a lunch salad, the other two are the perfect size for cut up fruit or veggies.
Nesting Trio (multiple colors) by Kids Konserve
SKU: KK042
The "Bake 'N Store Glassware", 12 cup by Anchor Hocking, SKU: AH-85694L9, looks perfect. Who couldn't use a 3-qt casserole with its own lid?
I like the stackable glass jars, SKU:85587K-1
gmorotti@gmail.com or
1111 14th Avenue West
Bradenton, Florida 34205
I like the Stainless Steel Insulated Food Jar, 10 oz. by Thermos
SKU: 2330P
It would be perfect for taking soup to work.
urchiken at gmail dot com
I like to have all of those to add to my collection of glassware and plastics. Most of my collection are pyrex but I expand to Tupperware.
I just posted this to my facebook page. Thank you so much for the offer!
Oh my goodness, there are so many awesome items, it was really hard to choose. I think that we would use the Glasslock Glass Square Sandwich Cubes (2 pack) the most! Thank you again.
I really like the Rounds Stainless Steel Food Containers, Leakproof by Lunchbots SKU: lunchbots-rounds.
The stainless steel items are gorgeous, but practically speaking, they will be cinch to clean and look pretty sturdy. Even if I don't win the gift certificate, a few of these items are going in my cabinet this upcoming year!
Email jennifertammy @gmail.com
Small Stainless Steel Round Containers, Magenta (set of 2) by Kids Konserve
SKU: KK074
wow I love the bake and store glassware! Baking dishes should always come with lids :)
email: cjford (a) prodigy.net
My favorite right now would be the glass baby food stroage SKU: KG-RR2P-GB. I'm 38 wks pregnant and have been looking into baby food storage and these totally caught my eye!
email: lucee_rios@yahoo.com
\ evefox Eve Fox
BPA-Free Giveaway: $100 MightyNest Gift Certificate: bit.ly/ucbAp0 @mightynest #TCSA #BPA #nontoxicgiveaway
2 Dec Favorite Undo Retweet Reply
Retweeted by @Lucy_Newhouse
email:lucee_rios@ yahoo . com
I shared the contest with FB. I am really glad I found your site! So much great info!!
Love the containers! So hard to choose a favorite!! Shared the contest with FB! Thanks!!
Hi there! I just did a facebook post on my page: http://www.facebook.com/RenewableEnergyNews about your MightyNest giveaway.
I also just did a twitter post on my page: http://twitter.com/GreenEnergyNews about your MightyNest giveaway.
I also just published a post on my Green Energy News blog about your giveaway to enter to win the MightyNest products. Here is the link: http://www.renewable-energy-news.info/bpa-free-giveaway-100-mightynest-gift-certificate/.
I also posted two other comments about my FB & Twitter posts :)
My favorite item I would have to say was the "stackable glass jar" (item #SKU: 85587R - 1) located here: http://mightynest.com/shop/kitchenware/food-storage/stackable-glass-jar-with-lid-multiple-sizes I have so many nuts and want a good way to store and these look perfect for that!
I have "liked" this giveaway on facebook, shared on my facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/annie.sherman and also on twitter (included hashtag).
To contact me (annie), email: be_example@yahoo.com
Love the Glasslock Glass Wean Bowl!! So colorful <3
I love the Eco Stainless Steel Food Container
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
I shared on my Face Book
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
I tweeted your giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
I love the Lunchbots Duo Food Container (SKU: LB-Duo). I've been looking for something safe to take my lunch to work. thanks for introducing me to the website!
Email: jen.gibbs@yahoo.com
I have been acutely aware of my need to replace my plastic storage containers. Any of the glass storage and cooking containers would be my pick. Thank you for making us aware of this site.
I like the one liter canning jar,
SKU: F908C-1L
kate dot sanderson at yahoo dot ca
The 12 cup Bake and store is my favorite,
So many great things on that site, would love to have them all! but would love to start with the glass baking dish, i think that would serve many purposes.....
I love the glass baking dishes that remind me of what my grandmother had and used. But the duo and trio stainless food storage container would be idea for my grandson to use for taking his lunch to school. So I guess that's my favorite.
Wow - lots of great stuff! I think my favorite would be the Stainless Steel Thermos containers.
I tweeted about the giveaway (retweeted your Dec 6 tweet)
WalkNKnit on Twitter
I like the Airtight Glass Spice Jar (SKU: BIG-BU)
smarie210 (at) gmail (dot) com
I shared the giveaway on Facebook.
smarie210 (at) gmail (dot) com
I tweeted about the giveaway:
smarie210 (at) gmail (dot) com
I like this set! http://mightynest.com/shop/reusable-lunch-gear/food-containers/glasslock-glass-wean-bowls-6oz-2-pack
I posted on Facebook, too!
Lys Square Glass Food Storage Bowl (SKU: DX-A2820CAB1-5) might be my favorite! Great price for 5 pieces too! A lot less expensive than I expected for glass dishes!
I like the Round TrueSeal Food Storage with Green Lid (4 sizes) by Anchor Hocking, SKU: AH-91687-2.
I love the round trueseal food storage with green lids set, SKU AH-91687-2. Thanks for running this so I became aware of this site, love it!
Christine clustik@wyoming.com
I got rid of the plastic warehouse in my lower cabinet two years ago and never looked back. I have vintage glass and vintage stainless steel refrigerator containers along with some of the newer glassblock and anchor hocking.
Favorite still is the: Bake 'N Store Glassware, 12 cup by Anchor Hocking
SKU: AH-85694L9
But I also have my eye on the Trio Stainless Steel Food Container by Lunchbots
SKU: lunchbots-trio
I've also posted this giveaway on my facebook page
Congratulations to Kate of Snow Flake Kitchen - winner of the giveaway! I'll shoot you an email and connect you with the Mighty Nest folks to claim your gift certificate.
I like good, durable storage containers. Shared on facebook.
I so need any, and all of these..I tweeted about it, too !
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