I'm writing with an unusual request -- will you sign my petition urging Congress to support a crucial new bill called the Safe Chemicals Act that would help protect us and our children from toxic chemicals like BPA, PVC, phtalates and more?
There's a Senate hearing on this scheduled for tomorrow, November 17th so I'm hoping that you will sign today and then share it with your friends and family. (You can still sign after Thursday, of course - every signature helps!)
Here's the deal: From the BPA (bisphenol-A) in our canned food and water bottles to the PVC (polyvinyl chloride) in our shower curtains and baby toys to the phthalates in our shampoo and shaving cream to the BFR (brominated flame retardant) in our mattresses and our baby's pajamas, we're surrounded by toxic chemicals that raise our risk of developing cancer, asthma, Alzheimers, and also cause a dizzying array of developmental, neurological, immunologic, reproductive, and endocrine disorders.
Needless to say, these toxic chemicals need to be banned and there's a whole host of others that need MUCH closer scrutiny and regulation. Add your signature today to hasten that process.
Despite study after study and lots of media coverage of the growing dangers these chemicals pose, Congress has been frustratingly slooooooow to reform the lame dinosaur of a law that currently "controls" these chemicals -- the Toxic Substances Control Act (of 1976...)
But now Senator Lautenberg has introduced The Safe Chemicals Act of 2011 which would put a stop to the wild west attitude towards toxic chemicals and help protect consumers from unwittingly being exposed to these and other toxins in our food, cosmetics, clothes, cars and more.
There's a Senate hearing scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, Nov. 17th to discuss the landmark Safe Chemicals Act of 2011, a looooooooong overdue law that would regulate toxic chemicals like BPA, PVC and others that are threatening our health.
I've created a petition urging Congress to support the Safe Chemicals Act and it'd be a HUGE help if you'd sign it today and pass it on to your friends and family.
Thanks so much for signing and sharing. Here's to toxin-free foods, shampoo, mattresses, clothes and more!
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